sl022005-05-15 17:17:53
I got an O1 lately and want to file I140 杰出人才 DIY. anyone has experience to share?
ssuurrff2005-05-15 17:27:57
回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
sl022005-05-15 17:37:08
回复:回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
sl022005-05-15 17:41:36
回复:回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
ssuurrff2005-05-15 17:46:51
回复:回复:回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
sl022005-05-15 17:52:46
回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
sdfsdfsdff2005-05-15 20:16:33
回复:any o1 to 杰出人才?
TimW2005-05-15 22:03:28
O1 fellow: sigma Xi