移花接木2022-01-29 09:59:06

Made in China


When talking 'bout Made in China, hate it or like it? People argued constantly. People who say hate Made in China are the ones buying the most made in China. 

I am working in an organization having a lot internal cooperation. We import a lot of raw material and equipments from China and sell worldwide。 My businessman likes Made in China, helps him made more money, but, he doesn't buy anything cheap Made in China in his daily life. The workers hate Made in China but they cannot survive without buying the cheap Made in China, because they are poor and cheap.  They  wanted to pay the clay price to get a diamond, but when they got what they paid for they complain the clay quality is not as good as the diamond.

One day a maintenance guy named John was working on a broken tool bought from China. He swore a big time, and I said to him, you know John, we have several this kind of tools, the worst ones are all made in Ontario.  You think I could change his mind? No way!!! One bad thing about when you get too close to somebody is, when you started call each other buddies, it's time he started to swear to you. You ditch out jokes you must be able to take them back. Like John, his mouth has never been defeated. Suddently, he realized I was not born in Canada. So he gave me his apology: Oh, I think the only thing great from China are the people.  So that is the typical Canadian losers. 

Another day I wanted to add a backup battery to my Canon DSLR camera. A pair of batteries with a USB charger from Amazon only cost a fraction of one piece genuine Canon battery. My fellow professional photographer friend told me: Don't buy the cheap off-market batteries from China for your several thousand dollars' camera. but I think for pricewise it's worth to take a chance. The new batteries are doing really good to me, & my friend probably didn't not realize that his genuine Canon battery is also Made in China.



胡马克2022-01-29 10:10:31
zqy682022-01-29 10:17:30
脱口秀新星啊!移花有一颗中国心!百分百的Made in China:))
才歌2022-01-29 10:18:07
Very genuine talk xiu!!!
老地雷2022-01-29 10:29:25
欲借嵯峨2022-01-29 10:29:51
雷翁2022-01-29 10:34:39
谈议葫芦丝2022-01-29 10:38:59
一荷2022-01-29 10:42:39
移花接木2022-01-29 10:48:26
移花接木2022-01-29 10:50:15
绝对正确啊, 没有中国牺牲环净低价格,现在通货膨胀估计最低收入得50万才能勉强糊口
移花接木2022-01-29 10:51:31
76_juliarudd2022-01-29 11:28:49
Made in China 在我们这里的老外嘴里是cheap和not last long 的代名词。希望在不久的将来made i
唐歌2022-01-29 11:29:02
Poor and cheap, 这俩词放一起一下就明白区别了~ 好赞的灵感!
76_juliarudd2022-01-29 11:34:12
In China 能成为high quality 和last forever 的代名词
移花接木2022-01-29 11:40:32
如果愿意付高质量+lasting 4ever的价钱,现在就有
小样儿.2022-01-29 11:51:18
哈哈哈,花帅的即兴脱口秀牛叉,很喜欢,继续继续 :DDD
76_juliarudd2022-01-29 11:52:41
藕花深处952022-01-29 12:18:08
哇, 太有才了, 会说脱口秀本身就让人羡慕, 还是英文原创!很地道, 很幽默!
南方蓝2022-01-29 12:25:47
平等性2022-01-29 12:42:59
无问东西2022-01-29 13:21:32
移花接木2022-01-29 14:44:23
移花接木2022-01-29 15:09:44
Chinese people
76_juliarudd2022-01-29 16:13:42
玩票2022-01-29 16:36:07
LABoys2022-01-29 17:35:51
风城疯语2022-01-29 18:03:56
silver5452022-01-29 18:09:36
66的山梁2022-01-29 18:35:22
飞渡2022-01-29 19:49:01
择木而栖2022-01-30 09:59:23
哇,native native speaker。。。还有笑声,模仿老外居高临下太有感了。。。