hello20022022-10-11 11:43:44



" court took no position on "if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth.""

so how about that HOV lane code?

柠檬椰子汁2022-10-11 12:57:49
Person has to be born.
hello20022022-10-11 17:07:47
show this to a republican. he will not agree.
akc2022-10-11 18:22:43
Roe v. Wade held...
柠檬椰子汁2022-10-11 19:55:40
"does not include the unborn"
柠檬椰子汁2022-10-11 19:57:01
Some Republicans won't admit Trump Lost election,
hello20022022-10-12 13:14:40
so 14th amendment will prevail over state level law?
hello20022022-10-12 13:15:48
it will matter with majority vote
柠檬椰子汁2022-10-12 18:28:14
What do you think?