十具2021-02-17 22:52:25

前言写道:“of the countries to which our gardens are most deeply indebted she holds the foremost place”。“As a result of my plant hunting in China more than a thousand new plants are now established in gardens of America and Europe”. “the flora and scenery of western China and of the manners and customs of the little known non-Chinese tribes inhabiting the Chino-Thibetan borderland. I saw China through the eyes of a nature lover and botanist interested in all phases of natural history”。世界的园林没有西中国(横断山脉,汉藏边区)的物种会逊色许多。下面视频图像来自PBS科学栏目NOVA:


十具2021-02-17 23:16:11
dudaan2021-02-18 02:14:59
十具2021-02-18 04:31:13