全球战略2020-06-09 19:14:06



Original published in Chinese in Extracurricular Studies, December 1987

Translated into English by the author in January 2018






战略地位极其重要的爪哇如果被征服,日本攫取东南亚丰富的石油,锡,橡胶等资源的企图即可大功告成。日军杀气腾腾,组成东西两路进攻部队合围爪哇。西路部队由56艘运输舰组成,得到1艘航母,3艘巡洋舰和20艘驱逐舰掩护。东路部队包括40艘运输舰,4艘巡洋舰和14艘驱逐舰。面对日军咄咄逼人的攻势,驻爪哇的美,英,荷,澳(American, British, Dutch, Australian, 简称ABDA)四国联军组成了一支联军舰队准备抗击。2月26日傍晚,联军舰队在荷兰海军少将卡雷尔·多尔曼率领下驶离泗水港,首先去迎击力量相对薄弱的东路敌军。


























Original published in Chinese in Extracurricular Studies in December 1987

Translated into English by the author in January 2018


In early 1942, the island of Java faced a critical situation. Since the Pearl Harbor attack in late 1941, aggressive Japanese forces had started the Pacific War. Ambitious and ferocious, the Japanese aimed to sweep the entire Southeast Asia, having already conquered Wake Island, Hong Kong, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaya, and Singapore. Now, they were targeting the Netherlands East Indies (today’s Indonesia). West of Java, Sumatra was attacked by Japanese paratroopers. North of Java, Borneo hopelessly fell. East of Java, Bali was occupied by a Japanese fleet. Further east, the Japanese established a base in Timor. Being totally surrounded by all sides, Java—the center of Dutch activities—confronted grim prospects.


ABDA Allied Fleet


If the strategically important Java had been conquered, the Japanese goals of taking over the rich Southeast Asian resources such as oil, tin, and rubber would have been accomplished. Armed to the teeth, the Japanese endeavored to unleash a pincer movement against Java with two forces (Eastern and Western Attack Forces). The Western Attack Force had 56 transports, and was supported by one aircraft carrier, three cruisers, and 20 destroyers. The Eastern Attack Force included 40 transports, four cruisers, and 14 destroyers. Confronting such powerful forces, the Java-based American, British, Dutch, and Australian (ABDA) forces formed an Allied fleet to resist. At dusk on February 26, the Allied fleet, commanded by Dutch Real Admiral Karel Doorman, sailed out of Surabaya to meet the relatively weaker enemy Eastern Attack Force.


Bathed in the purple evening mist of sunset in the Java Sea, the Allied fleet of 14 ships steamed at a high speed, and looked spectacular. Sailing side by side, three British destroyers screened ahead. Behind them was Doorman’s flagship Dutch cruiser De Ruyter. Following the flagship, four cruisers formed a column: Exeter (British), Houston (American), Perth (Australian), and Java (Dutch). Covering both sides of the main force were six destroyers: two Dutch and four American. In total, this was a sizable fleet with five cruisers and nine destroyers. Officers and men were confident that they would deliver a severe blow on the invaders. However, in reality this was a scratch team coming from four navies, which had never sailed or exercised together before this sortie. Their fighting power was not outstanding. In addition, they suffered from a fatal weakness: the entire fleet did not have a single float plane, and therefore could not undertake any reconnaissance other than relying on lookouts. Nevertheless, this was the most powerful force that the ABDA Allies could assemble to defend Java. To frustrate Japanese advances, only gallant resistance could turn around the unfavorable situation.


Heavy Fighting at Dusk


The Allied fleet sailed in the Java Sea for a whole day. It was shadowed by float planes launched by well-prepared Japanese warships. At 1600 on February 27, the Japanese spotted the Allied fleet and commenced firing first. Doorman immediately ordered to return fire. Rear Admiral Takeo Takagi, Commander of the Escort Force for the Eastern Attack Force, led four cruisers and four destroyers to have a high speed run, trying to cross the “T” in front of the Allied fleet. With this classical tactic, Takagi could unleash broadsides from all of his ships, while the opponents could only fire back with their front guns. Doorman did not fall for this trap, and ordered a quick turn. Therefore, both sides almost sailed in parallel toward the west, shooting at each other. Because the Allied ships had never trained together, coordination among ships was weak. As a result, every ship blasted away at will, resulting in dispersion of firepower. In contrast, the Japanese—despite having fewer ships—were well trained, their shooting well coordinated, and their firepower more concentrated.


Ten minutes into firing, Japanese destroyers suddenly charged ahead, launching a salvo of long-distance torpedoes at 16,000 yards. Dutch destroyer Kortenaer and British destroyer Electra failed to evade, and were jackknifed and sunk immediately. Then Takagi’s flagship cruiser Nachi led cruisers Haguro, Jintsu, and Myoko to concentrate their fire to first cripple British cruiser Exeter, and then turned all of their fire on flagship De Ruyter, which was injured. The intense battle became white-hot, Japanese ships approached closer, and Doorman’s flagship suffered. Then American cruiser Houston led four U.S. destroyers to bravely charge ahead to protect the flagship. Under enemy gunfire, they closed the distance and launched torpedoes at 10,000 yards, which forced the Japanese ships to disperse. Takagi, after combing torpedoes, made smoke and ordered his ships to break off and to prepare for a night battle. Doorman lost two destroyers, and had one cruiser crippled. He naturally was not interested in prolonging the engagement, and stopped shooting too.


Falling into the Trap at Night


After Doorman broke off from the engagement, he searched along the north coast of Java to find possible Japanese transports into the dark night. At 2125, a huge explosion illuminated the sea. It turned out that the last ship in the column, Dutch destroyer Jupiter, accidentally hit a mine laid by the Dutch themselves. It was so unfortunate! Jupiter helplessly sank, and the bright light stemming from the explosion enabled Takagi’s float planes to discover the Allied fleet. Doorman continued to lead his fleet to search in darkness. Suddenly at 2300, the night sky became as bright as the day light. It was because of the flares dropped by Japanese float planes that were circling above. Because the Japanese fleet was discovered in the distance, De Ruyter, Houston, Perth, and Java commenced firing in a hurry, and the enemy fired back too. The scene was full of smoke and splashing water columns. As the flares gradually dimmed, the Allies could not see their targets, and had to cease firing. Then this quick exchange of gunfire stopped.


What followed was dead silence, as nobody on the Allied side knew Takagi’s trap. He had ordered two cruisers and four destroyers to exchange fire with the Allied ships in order to attract their attention. Without firing a shot, Takagi personally led Nachi and Haguro to quietly move to the other side of the Allied fleet, and launched 12 torpedoes, which silently swam toward their targets. Falling into the trap, Doorman had no idea about this danger, until his ship was enveloped in explosions as loud as landslides. Badly crippled, De Ruyter soon went down. Admiral Doorman and over 300 officers and sailors were all swallowed by the sea. After a few minutes, Java also stopped dead. In defense of Java, Java sank in the Java Sea. Leaderless, other ships panicked and escaped the scene.




The Battle of the Java Sea was the biggest sea battle since the Battle of Jutland in 1916, and was also the first major fleet action in the Pacific War. After two rounds, it ended with the Japanese Navy’s complete victory. Takagi’s fleet suffered almost no damage. Doorman—having lost two cruisers and three destroyers—was totally smashed. Disasters did not leave the surviving ships, which were disbanded. Of the nine surviving ships, except four U.S. destroyers that safely arrived in Australia, all of the remaining five were sunk by Japan’s pursuing forces one by one.


After this strategically important, decisive battle, Japan was able to enjoy complete sea superiority, and the Allies’ isolated resistance in Java quickly collapsed. After Japanese forces landed, the Dutch governor surrendered on March 8. Then all of Java was occupied by Japanese forces. At last, Japan had complete possession of the rich Southeast Asia.


From a tactical standpoint, although the Battle of the Java Sea was a conventional surface engagement fought with gunfire and torpedoes, the significant role played by naval aviation was still evident. The few float planes did not directly participate in the fighting, but they made a tremendous difference in influencing the outcome and contributing toward the Japanese victory. 
