转一段国际经济合作和发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)的核能机构2002年关于切尔诺贝利事故的调查报告:
“The media have at times published pictures of human and animal deformities without investigating their veritable connection with the accident,and the public, struck by such images, has been allowed, unchallenged, to lay the blame on Chernobyl. Here again, the accident has given rise to numerous studies showing that such deformities and diseases are not linked to radiation exposure. These conclusions, however, have not been effectively transmitted to decision makers or the public. On the other hand, many feared a catastrophic contamination of the River Dnieper, extending to the Mediterranean, which never materialised. Radionuclide retention in the soil has been high, and any remaining contamination is well below initial projections. So much the better.” (连接)