Hotel California

Don Henley
  On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
this could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the captain,
please bring me my wine
He said, we havent had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin it up at the hotel california
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said we are all just prisoners here, of our own device
And in the masters chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just cant kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
relax, said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!


Eagles乐队的著名歌曲Hotel California, 其实既不是指一家旅馆, 也不是一首爱情歌曲。当年的Eagles们,正当风华正茂,名闻遐迩,唱片供不应求,演唱会络绎不绝。 他们总是马不停蹄地飞来飞去,下午去赶演唱会,半夜还要回到回录音棚……财源滚滚,美女如云,花天酒地,如日中天,然而,他们却突然 感到了失落,金钱、地位、名声、女人……之后的精神失落:他们希望能超脱自己,唱出自己独特的风格,而不是一味的追随别人, 重复自己,熬烂在那种country, folk, R&B, rock and pop 等等的大杂烩中。

痛苦的失落、迷惘和挣扎中,他们开始吸毒。终于有一天,乐队的成员之一,Don Henley,被带进了南加州的一个戒毒中心。

这个戒毒中心有一个很冠冕堂皇的名字:Camarillo State Mental Hospital。里面住的,都是些吸毒成性的名人以及/或者名人们的子女。 Don Henley就是在这个戒毒中心里因祸得福,创作出令Eagles们名垂青史的Hotel California这首歌曲。

10几年前,这家戒毒中心被关闭,摇身一变,成了California State University, Channel Island. 下面这幅照片里的,是下了highway之后,唯一通往那个戒毒中心的道路。

Hotel California包装封面上,那个有两个钟楼的建筑,其实是Beverly Hills Hotel。 但Don Henley当年听到的the mission bell,多半应该是来自下面这个钟楼。

很多门窗上,现在还保留着铁栅栏。那些人受不了戒毒和囚禁之苦的人,在这些铁窗之后, 用自杀选择了“永远的”checkout。


“退役”的大门旁边,是一个接待室。我从那里径直走过去,随后听见一个女人的声音喊:"Sir, sir,sir." 我退回去,那个年轻漂亮的 女接待员笑着对我说:"You can't go through that door. It's locked and you need a special badge to come back." 不知道为什么,我突然 就感觉大白天闹鬼,好像是歌曲里那个“stood in the doorway” 的女人在对我说话……

上面通过门洞可以看到的courtyard四合院,在整个校园里到处都是。我不知道歌曲中唱到的跳舞是真正出现在某一个四合院里,还是 只是作者的一种幻想, 但那句歌词:Some dance to remember, some dance to forget,却是颠扑不破的经典。


入口左手边的小门。歌曲中的 night man 会不会就曾守候在这里?






某年某月的某一天,一个陌生人提着相机走进这个校园。他想感受一下 Don Henley 当年 被迫生活过的地方。

Don Henley 公开承认“there was a brief period of time where I tried to put some kind of creative stock into drugs, ”“We did a lot of work on drugs in the Eagles.”

人,到了一定成就,必定有一种莫名奇妙的失落,而排除这种失落的方式之一, 就是靠某种方式逃避,逃避到自己的delusion里去。这首歌里的warm smell of colitas,the voices down the corridor, the dance in the courtyard, mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice, the feast in the masters chambers等等,也许都只是Don Henley吸*毒或毒*瘾发作时 的一种幻觉。撇开别的一切不说,他能够把自我幻觉(delusion)通过歌曲的形式,升华成一种别人可以想见的梦幻(illusion),这就是艺术,他也 必定跟随这个艺术精品而不朽。在残酷的现实面前,天才通过自己的幻觉创造艺术,大众则通过这种梦幻来欣赏艺术。承认与否,很多时候,人们 对艺术的欣赏和投入,是对现实的一种逃避。然而,梦幻总是虚空的,只有现实才是铁面无私的残酷存在。如何面对现实,就是你如何生活。 不懂得这一点,你就不可能明白什么叫we are all just prisoners of our own device, 什么叫You can checkout any time you like, But you can never leave! 这首歌的价值就在于,它集中诠释了人类的生活和命运。歌舞升平,灯红酒绿等等,只不过是一种被囚禁时寻欢作乐的幻觉。 而人类最大的牢笼,是命运。命运面前,你可以随时挣扎,但你永远逃脱不了。很多人在这里选择了自杀,他们以为死是一种终极解脱,然而, 新的传说是,那里夜深人静的时候,人们能听见鬼的哀号……

EvaLuna2007-01-26 16:55:25
强贴, 狂顶一个~~~ 好照片, 好光影~~~
忘了说,Hotel California是人们对那个戒毒中心的戏称
EvaLuna2007-01-26 18:39:30
又仔细读了一遍, 真是好文~~关于delusion and illusion~~thanks!!!
秋凉如我心2007-01-26 20:36:57
非常酷2007-01-27 11:41:44
damn cool!!!!u can never escape from urself...