绿宫洞人2020-11-08 16:39:49

CNN: Inside Trump's loss: A culmination of self-destructive decisions

There weren't many supporters present when the President returned to the White House from the golf course on Saturday. Peering out the window of the same SUV, Trump instead saw crowds raising their middle fingers as he pulled through the gates.
The square in front of the mansion, painted with the words "Black Lives Matter," was packed with revelers ecstatic that Trump's days as President are ending. It was a vastly different scene from what had occurred there in June, when, after a survey by Attorney General William Barr, pepper spray and flash bangs were used to disperse crowds shortly before Trump staged a photo op with a Bible outside St. John's Church.
The yellow Georgian building is where presidents -- including Trump -- traditionally attend prayer services before being sworn in. In January, it's likely where Biden will start his own Inauguration Day.