Euro-dollar2019-05-13 15:10:18

to his son? After 6.4, Deng passed the power to Jiang.

Deng has two sons, the older son was injured in Culture Revolution and the younger one is physically/mentally fine  although he may not be very smart.

If 邓小平所做的一切都是为己, he should pass the power to his second son.

You may think that Deng is bad. But one thing is sure: Deng is better than most GCD leaders, at least better than Xi Jinping! 

In my eyes, Deng is very smart. Since he didn't pass the power to his kids, Deng's family has been safe after Deng's death. Now Xi Jinping wants to attack Deng and Deng's family, but many Chinese like me still like Deng. 

Wish Deng's family is safe! By the way, I have nothing to do with Deng's family!

supadupa2019-05-14 08:39:14