树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:20:18

Childhood fantasy, eh…I don’t have much to start with at first place.   Within the very limited selections, they are neither noble nor grand; oppositely, I have to admit it is actually a little bit embarrassing. 

My biggest fantasy during my childhood is that I am the only person in my entire city. Yes, you don’t read it wrong, nobody else would be around, so that I can do whatever I like, no schoolwork, no exams, no need to get up in the early morning, and no nagging from parents/teachers.  The best part would be that I could visit the biggest department store in the city and eat all the food that my mom would not allow or buy otherwise, and play with all the toys there. I have a great plan how to enjoy the facilities available there, and my typical day would look like: wake up whenever on a big soft bed in the furniture department, fetch some cookies or cake from food section for breakfast, browse through the beautiful clothes which my mom will never buy for me, and try on those fancy high heels like a young lady.  And for sure the toy department is my haven, and many toys would be waiting for me there.  Also I would spend some time in music instrument department and play the piano there which my parents can’t afford to get me one.  Haha, all of sudden, I realized that the hottest topic people are talking about on internet nowadays which is “lay down flat” (躺平), hey, that is my idea when I was 10 and I still have it now!!!


beautifulwind2021-06-26 04:29:02
陶陶三2021-06-26 04:30:03
A good shot! :-)
beautifulwind2021-06-26 04:33:38
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:41:26
thx, 搏君一笑
easyboy2021-06-26 04:41:39
人类的最高理想 - 共产主义
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:43:36
躺平是苦苦挣扎后,无奈的放弃, 被生活摁在地上摩擦; 躺赢是中大奖, 人在家中坐, 好事/钱天上来。
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:44:24
这么说来, 我和马克思一个水平啊
easyboy2021-06-26 04:46:16
Marauders2021-06-26 04:47:11
盈盈一笑间2021-06-26 04:50:02
陶陶三2021-06-26 04:50:10
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:51:03
从小就丧, 我的宇宙的尽头就是百货公司。
忒忒绿2021-06-26 04:52:00
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:52:02
beautifulwind2021-06-26 04:52:28
beautifulwind2021-06-26 04:52:47
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:52:58
看一圈大家写的, 我实在有点不好意思了。
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:54:10
胸无点墨, 胸无大志, 说得就是我
树的花花世界2021-06-26 04:59:38
树的花花世界2021-06-26 05:00:34
Lily20052021-06-26 05:15:00
Good imagination and nice writing!
easyboy2021-06-26 08:08:12
疏影笑寒2021-06-26 12:14:49
天边一片白云2021-06-26 13:48:57
AP339122021-06-26 14:48:00
原来躺平可以这么舒服呀,真好,那Snoopy 图好Cute - like it .
移花接木2021-06-26 14:55:17
wake up, time to school
ibelieu2021-06-26 15:10:49
Such a wonderful piece! Really enjoyed reading it.
树的花花世界2021-06-26 17:47:29
Thx, 这童年理想有点儿上不了台面;)
树的花花世界2021-06-26 17:49:22
Thx:) 我来搞个笑
树的花花世界2021-06-26 17:52:26
树的花花世界2021-06-26 17:54:02
树的花花世界2021-06-26 17:54:41
树的花花世界2021-06-26 18:04:27
Thx, nice to know i am not the only one
天山晨2021-06-26 21:30:41
树的花花世界2021-06-26 21:39:01
beautifulwind2021-06-28 01:11:36
恭喜花花。首页进来,谢谢网管,CF活动 my embarrassing childhood fantasy推荐成功
甜虫虫2021-06-29 19:14:10
花花这fantasy 没得说!:)