移花接木2021-09-19 22:52:09

Get napkin ready before watching... ...

Alexandra & Mia, as you can see, are twins; fate has separated them since they were born, but fate  also arranged them to find each other.  Since they found each other they became inseparable and formed the bond to the two geographically-far-away families.  Although each has her own life at the different end of the world, nothing will stop them from missing and loving each other. 

对于这两个姐妹,每当月圆之时,那真是【海上生(升)明月 天涯共此时】

When the bright moon was born to the sea, sharing the moment at the two ends of the world.

What really touched the world is not only the two inseparable hearts but also their great parents.

No worry this isn't a sad story at all, but will fill tears and joy to anyone who will to watch it.

So that's what I mean get napkin ready. It's a very comfy documentry. 



陶陶三2021-09-20 00:38:04
beautifulwind2021-09-20 00:55:58
看了前言,wonder how they found each other. 回家看Video
唐古2021-09-20 01:04:08
beautifulwind2021-09-20 05:06:50
甜虫虫2021-09-20 05:26:44
忒忒绿2021-09-20 05:45:00
盈盈一笑间2021-09-20 14:15:10
爱流泪就是好男人 - 唐古
LinMu2021-09-20 14:20:15
移花接木2021-09-20 17:32:20
天山晨2021-09-20 18:34:50
何仙姑2021-09-20 20:46:34
And Lovely girls !