- 文学城
- [mysj]
组合名词 compound noun, 如honeymoon, cowboy, maybe taotaothree too ......
Sweet worm enjoys wormwood
Sunny rain paints rainbows
White snow blows snowbirds.
Wood flowers rock the flowerpot
哈哈,谢谢啦。上联可以加点难度:Beautiful wind plays beautiful windflowers.:)
Yes, sweetbug. Sweet bug eats bugseeds. :)
很好!若enters 改成enjoys 呢,就躺平亨受了-:)
If it looks, walks and quacks like a duck….
compound nouns 不太多太复杂难配,beautiful wind 既是人又是自然已经够难了。
There is a supply chain issue right now,
Wind sound reverses waterflows
haha :)) Bugseed is a plant and also a name of a rapper :)
Taotao three loves threepences :) Do you?
下联:Falling snow forms snowflakes. :-)
LOL~~~, there are a lot of "three".
Yes, there are quite a few compound words that start with "three
Mad dog abandons doghouses. (mad dog 是美前防长)
captain cat does catwalks (in snow)
Wood flowers plants flowertrees.
And gentle rain that washes away the tears-:))..Such
what a joyful surprise, station pine returns pineapples.
谢谢青松站,with season greeting.
恭喜AP。首页进来,谢谢网管,求下联,上:beautiful wind plays windflowers推荐成功
哈哈,谢谢!横批 又美又甜,Beautiful And Sweet :)
The bull bullhorned the bullies to back off.