心存善念2021-10-20 23:07:49

Paul Simon 和 Bob Dylan 可谓乐坛两巨擘,可总有好事者来挑彼此高低。大家你们怎么看?

另外,细心观众注意到 there is an idiom somewhere below. 

最后,要试一试中译英吗?- 既生瑜,何生亮 (尚无标准答案)

In a recent interview in Rolling Stone magazine Paul Simon remarked that he was miffed by comparisons between him and Bob Dylan:

“He’s telling you the truth and making fun of you at the same time. I sound sincere every time. Rock and roll has a lot to do with image. If that’s not your strength, people find fault with the work.”

This short quotation gets to the crux of a perennial battle between two titans of American music. Dylan remains the central figure among serious rock intellectuals. His sometimes impenetrable and always cryptic work is seen as having a heft and cultural cachet often denied to Simon, whose songs communicate directly to the listener. But, while Dylan seems to scoff at confession and musicology, Simon has worn his heart on his sleeve and taken seriously his musical craft.

(Excerpt from David Shasha’s article on forward.com)

雪晶2021-10-20 23:21:00
妖妖灵2021-10-20 23:51:40
worn his heart on his sleeve 这个Idiom我也是最近才学:)
甜虫虫2021-10-21 00:35:20
Both are great singer-songwriters.
移花接木2021-10-21 00:55:10
雪晶2021-10-21 01:19:42
心存善念2021-10-21 01:21:53
青松站2021-10-21 03:27:07
青松站2021-10-21 07:31:05
慢兔2021-10-21 17:09:08
+1 感觉 paul simon 更在乎个人感受, bob dylan 更关心世界