疏影笑寒2021-12-28 16:52:30

Covid19 came to our world two years ago. It gave people big trouble. Some people lost their lives due to the crazy virus. This virus changed our world greatly, before people had a lot of power , but faced to the virus, people felt so weak and had to fight it bravely. During this serious battle, some friends caught this virus...

It is very strange that the people I know who caught this crazy virus, they are good looking. If they are in the crowd, they will be found first.

One family has beautiful DNA, the husband is fit and tall, he is very handsome, he has sexy strong body; the wife is super beautiful, her sky blue eyes want to tell you lovely stories, her hair is wild beautiful, she walks gracefully; there are six beautiful kids belong to this couple. The oldest one teenager girl caught this covid19 from her part time job, then passed it to her whole family except one ten years old cute girl...

Two guys caught this virus from their own beautiful wives. The two guys are both very handsome, if you see them, you want to have a slow dance with either one...

Two beautiful ladies caught this virus. They are both under 35 years old. They are both slender but having big breasts, they have charming gentle voices, they have beautiful sunshine faces, and they both got this virus from their own charming cute daughters...

The 11 people who caught Covid19, fortunately they recovered soon. They have attractive faces. In your opinion, do you think Covid-19 loves beautiful faces?










妖妖灵2021-12-28 16:56:21
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 17:00:45
写起来特累, 也太长了一点, 还是短小一些好。
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 17:03:18
妖妖灵2021-12-28 17:09:31
妖妖灵2021-12-28 17:10:17
妖妖灵2021-12-28 17:57:53
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 18:19:56
谢谢美班的鼓励! 一鼓作气在什么场合
妖妖灵2021-12-28 18:30:53
梅雨潭2021-12-28 18:46:21
恭喜影子。首页进来,谢谢网管,Covid19 love beautiful faces! 推荐成功
天边一片白云2021-12-28 18:58:38
Sound like a good news for me.
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 19:05:26
Thanks a lot!
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 19:07:58
Just for fun. You are so super beautiful
妖妖灵2021-12-28 19:08:38
这次Omicron传染性很强。大家能备就备上 连花清瘟胶囊 吧。
天边一片白云2021-12-28 19:12:52
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 19:12:55
Thanks a lot!
Yangtsz2021-12-28 19:42:42
Because beautiful people are more social and less willing to cov
心存善念2021-12-28 19:52:27
心存善念2021-12-28 19:54:04
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 19:54:12
You are very right. I can not agree with
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 21:21:47
Thanks a lot!
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 21:22:43
chuntianle2021-12-28 21:26:19
疏影笑寒2021-12-28 21:27:53
moiausis2021-12-29 01:03:40
哈哈哈,这样看来我应该可以放心了 ;))
wbqm2021-12-29 02:08:16
疏影笑寒2021-12-29 11:32:59
谢谢美丽多才的你! 你是人美歌美的大美人,病毒在你面前
疏影笑寒2021-12-29 11:34:31
谢谢你! 祝福你和你的家人节日快乐!