移花接木2022-03-15 13:52:37

Feeling overwhelmed by world events? Treat yourself the way you would a friend

中译文在我的博客: https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/11613/202203/1748.html

Georgie Harman
忒忒绿2022-03-15 14:29:00
Thank you for sharing. Global anxiety
妖妖灵2022-03-15 16:27:33
Like the topic.Treat urself the way you would treat a friend
妖妖灵2022-03-15 16:46:32
Self- compassion翻译成什么中文比较好?自我激励?自我肯定?我现在尽量往好处想。因为负面的东西太多了。
移花接木2022-03-15 17:27:56
自我爱惜,同情, 在外部压力下, 别太勉强自己,别给自己太多压力,
妖妖灵2022-03-15 22:51:44