AP339122022-05-14 01:54:36

1. Loves from Dolly Parton and family

Dolly can't have kids even though she and her husband had picked her baby name more than 55 years ago (i.e. Carla). But  this didn't stop their loves for children, they set up a nonprofit mails library of free books to toddlers and preschoolers around the United States and also fund reading initiatives.
妖妖灵2022-05-14 03:51:23
AP339122022-05-14 04:24:00
谢谢美班。介个是美国人的国民K, 伴奏有点距离感,但用耳麦的话立体感強些:)
CLary2022-05-14 14:18:21
好丰富的帖有朗诵有歌曲!我记得Witney Houston也有一首同名歌
AP339122022-05-14 17:14:00
大杂烩。Houston 就是唱她这歌出名的,另一首是you raise me up, my next challenge :)
移花接木2022-05-14 18:16:37
AP339122022-05-14 19:13:00
梅雨潭2022-05-15 03:58:33
恭喜AP。首页进来,谢谢网管,母爱父爱 多莉 Dolly 进名人堂与她写的一首干万元名歌 推荐成功
chuntianle2022-05-15 08:05:32