颤音2022-06-01 04:20:21

Paint flows from your eyes

Paint flows from your eyes
to your dimples
Aspirates to rise
and brush my sky
till the clouds
red and blue
fill my eyes

© a day ago

Likes: Jawahar Gupta, Beatricelena

Jawahar Gupta - Paint flows from your eyes to brush the canvas f my mind of sky with colors of your first hand choice to make the happy rainbow,

Enjoyed it

Beatricelena - Such a beautiful poem. short but meaningful. looking forward to your new publications.



I'm writing to you in blue
my known unknown
It's the ink gifted by you
What's flowing from the fountain
makes my pen stroll through mountains
oceans and dunes
and lost in a misty tune
But the burden
of the ink
wet and heavy like a steel curtain
wraps around my feet and sinks
to the Milky Way's brink

© 7 days ago, vague • rhyme   

Likes: Jawahar Gupta, Jaganathan1476, KeshmaiTo reply, click a comment.

Jawahar Gupta - this is beautiful writing to admit the honest received gift,

Liked it


Jaganathan1476 - Good rhyming poem dear friend.i love reading poems that rhyme.great work. keep on it. 


Keshmai - Writing what you feel is a powerful thing to do. Thank you for this inspirational poem.


妖妖灵2022-06-01 05:12:42
ink 和blue用得巧妙。What's flowing from the fountain 句子里的‘s 有必要吗?
移花接木2022-06-01 15:11:33
Flowers fill my eyes of purple & my heart sings a vibrato
颤音2022-06-01 19:35:33
谢谢,是啊,可以考虑present tense
颤音2022-06-01 19:35:50
梅雨潭2022-06-01 21:51:22
恭喜颤音。首页进来,谢谢网管,墨水和颜料 推荐成功
颤音2022-06-02 17:48:05