颤音2022-08-04 18:27:16


What's inside a shell
Heaven or hell
Flesh or soul
Fold and roll
Swirl and twirl
till the birth of a pearl

vague © 5 hours ago

Likes: OpenLeapling, shdpoems

OpenLeapling - Lovely rhyme. So much pressure was put into that shell. How long does it take to get that pearl to come forth? Yes, at the start of it all what was first put into the shell to transform into "a pearl"

Nicely penned

移花接木2022-08-04 20:18:46
oh, love Shell, lubricating my gears!!!
颤音2022-08-04 21:02:37
哈哈哈,fuels your automobiles too
妖妖灵2022-08-05 01:58:46
盈盈一笑间2022-08-05 02:14:28
梅雨潭2022-08-05 04:29:10
恭喜颤音。首页进来,谢谢网管,Shell 推荐成功
颤音2022-08-05 04:37:52
颤音2022-08-05 04:38:22
颤音2022-08-05 04:38:51
kirn2022-08-05 17:51:24
Until the earth turns still....在这里换个和法,哈哈哈
移花接木2022-08-05 19:04:22
到底是turn? 还是 still?
秦照2022-08-05 19:32:06
A hard outside, a soft inside; The hard throw away, the soft
颤音2022-08-05 19:32:30
turn means change here, so i guess ok
颤音2022-08-05 19:40:31
司令是吃货 哈哈哈