云易2019-07-15 15:42:55

基督教在公元一、二世纪还是“初生儿”。当时一个叫塞尔萨斯(Celsus)的希腊学者是激烈的反基督教人士。他的著作《真言》(True Words)代表了当时亚历山德拉市(自托勒密王朝以来的知识文化中心)的知识精英对基督教的看法。两百多年之后,公元448年,罗马皇帝Valentanian 和主教Theodosius 下令烧毁所有反基督教文献,没有任何一本书能幸免(注)。而这个塞尔萨斯的《真言》却戏剧性地流传下来:因为他反基督教著作实在太有力,被传给当时的著名神学家Origen of Alexandria 反驳。后者写了一本书《反塞尔萨斯》(“Against Celsus”),其中引证了90%的Celsus的原话,由此保存了90%的塞尔萨斯的原著。关于耶稣的出生塞尔萨斯是这样说的:

"born in a certain Jewish village, of a poor woman of the country, who gained her subsistence by spinning, and who was turned out of doors by her husband, a carpenter by trade, because she was convicted of adultery; that after being driven away by her husband, and wandering about for a time, she disgracefully gave birth to Jesus, an illegitimate child, who having hired himself out as a servant in Egypt on account of his poverty, and having there acquired some miraculous powers, on which the Egyptians greatly pride themselves, returned to his own country, highly elated on account of them, and by means of these proclaimed himself a God."(耶稣出生于一个犹太村,他的母亲是一个贫穷的靠纺纱为生的女人。这个女人因被发现通奸而被木匠丈夫赶出家门,流浪在外,生下了私生子耶稣。贫穷的耶稣流浪在埃及当了仆人,学得一些埃及人引以为自豪的神秘巫术,然后回到家乡,并以这些他自己也很骄傲的巫术而自称为“上帝”。)



