南小鹿2021-05-14 05:29:55





(Connie went to the wood directly after lunch. It was really a lovely day, the first dandelions making suns, the first daisies so white. The hazel thicket was a lace-work, of half-open leaves, and the last dusty perpendicular of the catkins. Yellow celandines now were in crowds, flat open, pressed back in urgency, and the yellow glitter of themselves. It was the yellow, the powerful yellow of early summer. And primroses were broad, and full of pale abandon, thick-clustered primroses no longer shy. The lush, dark green of hyacinths was a sea, with buds rising like pale corn, while in the riding the forget-me-nots were fluffing up, and columbines were unfolding their ink-purple ruches, and there were bits of blue bird's eggshell under a bush. Everywhere the bud-knots and the leap of life!

The keeper was not at the hut. Everything was serene, brown chickens running lustily. Connie walked on towards the cottage, because she wanted to find him.

The cottage stood in the sun, off the wood's edge. In the little garden the double daffodils rose in tufts, near the wide-open door, and red double daisies made a border to the path. There was the bark of a dog, and Flossie came running.)
















(In front of them ran the open cleft of the riding, between the hazel walls and the gay grey trees. The chair puffed slowly on, slowly surging into the forget-me-nots that rose up in the drive like milk froth, beyond the hazel shadows. Clifford steered the middle course, where feet passing had kept a channel through the flowers. But Connie, walking behind, had watched the wheels jolt over the wood-ruff and the bugle, and squash the little yellow cups of the creeping-jenny. Now they made a wake through the forget-me-nots.

All the flowers were there, the first bluebells in blue pools, like standing water.

"You are quite right about its being beautiful," said Clifford. "It is so amazingly. What is quite so lovely as an English spring!"

Connie thought it sounded as if even the spring bloomed by act of Parliament. An English spring! Why not an Irish one? or Jewish? The chair moved slowly ahead, past tufts of sturdy bluebells that stood up like wheat and over grey burdock leaves. When they came to the open place where the trees had been felled, the light flooded in rather stark. And the bluebells made sheets of bright blue colour, here and there, sheering off into lilac and purple. And between, the bracken was lifting its brown curled heads, like legions of young snakes with a new secret to whisper to Eve.

Clifford kept the chair going till he came to the brow of the hill; Connie followed slowly behind. The oak-buds were opening soft and brown. Everything came tenderly out of the old hardness. Even the snaggy craggy oak-trees put out the softest young leaves, spreading thin, brown little wings like young bat-wings in the light. Why had men never any newness in them, any freshness to come forth with! Stale men!)










第15章,临去威尼斯前,康妮到林中小屋与梅勒斯会面。梅勒斯对康妮说:“所有现代的人都有一个乐趣,想把人类古老的人性情感都灭掉,把老亚当和老夏娃剁成肉酱。”(All the modern lot get their real kick out of killing the old human feeling out of man, making mincemeat of the old Adam and the old Eve.)— 他在形容现代文明对大自然的威胁时,把自己暂时避居的山林比作了伊甸园。

天色暗了下来,外面下起了暴雨,雷声轰响,康妮觉得呆在小屋里的他俩“仿佛是在洪水中的小方舟里”(It was like being in a little ark in the Flood.)。雨停了,梅勒斯离开小屋,从林子里采了一些植物回来,包括耧斗菜(columbines)、麦瓶草(campions)、新割的干草、橡树枝叶(oak-tufts)、打蕾的忍冬花(honeysuckle in small bud)等。这一对赤裸着身子的男女,用这些野花以及之前采来的勿忘我、蓝铃花和粉色麦瓶草(pink campion )等,来互相装饰对方的身体。文学评论家们认为,这段描写显然受了英国诗人米尔顿(1608-1674)的启发。他的长诗《失乐园》里有一个情景:当夏娃拿着禁果回来与亚当分享时,亚当正在伊甸园里为她编织花环。




