牧爷2022-03-10 03:39:05

关于《用爱送痴呆症男人, 走向归途》一文的评论。全文貌似英文书评的草率翻译稿。


(1)Arnold 是Uber司机吗?“这次出行他们没有叫他们惯常的 Uber 司机把他们送到肯尼迪机场。 他们不想和别人闲聊他们的行程。”两句话中间似乎应该是分号才合中文文法。
(3)“‘这是给你的’(for you)”,是(to you), 中文应该译作“祝你健康”更合意。
(4)“伴随自杀”的原文是accompanied suicide,译作“陪伴自杀”才合意。



In our Swissair pods, Brian and I toast each other, and we say, Here's to you, a little hesitantly, instead of what we usually say, Cent'anni ("May we have a hundred years," a very Italian toast). There is no Cent'anni for us; we won't make it to our thirteenth wedding anniversary.


For the trip to JFK, we didn't use Arnold, the guy who always drives our car to the airport and returns it to our driveway. Arnold's been driving us, and our kids and grandkids, for six years, and he has shared with us all about his love of motorcycles, his sobriety, and his wife's health issues, to balance, I think, all the information he has about us, whether he's wanted it or not. I could not bear to lie to Arnold about where we are going and I cannot bear to tell him the truth and I could not come up with a half-truth (the favorite technique of serious liars) about why we are going to Zurich in late January. For the skiing? For the ice fishing? For the Chagall windows in Fraumünster Church? I was afraid that Arnold would watch us sympathetically in the rearview mirror, and I could not bear it, for Brian's pride and my general soft-boiledness, and just as I could not bear any harshness at all, I didn't think I could take kindness, either. I wanted absolutely nothing, a blanket of indifference, and that was exactly what we got from the driver of our local limo service. He spoke once in the two-and-a-half-hour drive. Perfect.

