追忆212021-08-31 05:20:02



Carson 说,“The nature of life is not permanence, but flux.”  同意,计划没有变化快。他还说,“The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that’s all there is.”  的确,世间没有两个一模一样的人生。到头来谁又没有几个独特的人生故事分享呢?

关于哀悼,Mrs. Patmore 深知伤心同时伤身。“Nothing makes you hungrier or more tired than grief.” 是啊,伤感累心,悲痛饿人。她对医疗花费的看法也很准确,一语中的:“If you must pay money, better to a doctor than an undertaker.”  很对,亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

不过,最精彩的台词来自 Violet 的贡献。毫不夸张地说,她的金句撑起了半部《唐顿庄园》。Violet 说, “All life is a series of problems, that we must try and solve.”  生活就是一连串难题,我们唯有知难而上。Violet 告诫做事分清场合的重要性。“Principles are like prayers; noble, of course, but awkward at a party.”  随机应变,相机行事其实是美德,是长处;反之,则是尴尬不识相。中国人喜欢说 “难得糊涂”,Violet 则注解如下,“No life appears rewarding if you think too much about it.” 

关于人际关系, Violet 也有她独到的见解。她认为真相不是万灵药,“There can be too much truth in any relationship.”  或许不是人人都有面对真相的勇气?!Violet 骄傲自制,但并不缺乏同情心, “A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears.”  另外,Violet 认为远离敌人易,疏远朋友难, “There’s nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like.  Avoiding one’s friends, that’s the real test.”  这让我联想到那句耳熟能详的谚语,Keep your friends close and your enemy closer.  相比之下,Violet 的体会不仅更接近生活实际,而且更有生活智慧。


谁没有年轻过,谁又没有经历过单相思呢?Mrs. Patmore 这样劝告 Daisy,“You can’t spend too long on a one-sided love.” 而 Daisy 也终于醒悟过来, “I’ve decided to live in the present and not spend my life regretting the past or dreading the future.”  可不是,逝者如斯夫,未来遥不可期,莫如活在当下。同样地,失恋也是成长岁月里的的必修课。Mrs. Hughes 说, “We must all have our hearts broken once or twice before we’re done.”  我觉得这句话有两层意思。一,年轻的心易碎,但并不脆弱,有愈合能力;二,时间是伤口良药,而年轻人有的是时间。

我很喜欢 Anna 对缘分的比喻,她说 “Good men… They’re not like buses. There won’t be another one round in 10 minutes.”  良人可遇而不可求,金玉良言也!我也赞同她对婚礼的看法,“I’d rather have the right man, than the right wedding.”  因为婚礼只一日,爱人伴一世。高傲如 Violet 也必须承认爱的力量,“I’m not a romantic, but even I concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose to pump blood.”  是,爱与呼吸同在。而在 Branson 眼里,爱是痛并快乐着, “Real love means giving someone the power to hurt you.”  因为爱是爱神的箭哪,一箭穿心!哈哈!


Hugh “Shrimpy” MacClare 终于省悟到成长环境对情感教育的影响, “Love is like riding or speaking French: if you don’t learn it young, it’s hard to get the trick of it later.”  他送女儿 Rose 远离了争吵不休的原生家庭;事实证明,那是打破恶性循环的明智之举。

世间多少悲剧,皆以爱之名行事。Violet 说得好, “My dear, love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike.”  实在值得世间父母谨记。

难得地,Violet 和 Dr. Clarkson 对现实和理想的看法一致。Violet 说,“Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.”  嗯嗯,希望捉弄人。Dr. Clarkson 补充,“Harsh reality is always better than false hope.”  所以,真相好过幻像。的确,人世艰险,“单是活着就是桩大事,几乎是个壮举。”(张爱玲)所以只有 “真正的勇士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的献血。” (鲁迅)那么怎样才算一个生活的勇士呢?罗曼罗兰说得最好,“世界上只有一种真正的英雄主义,就是在认清生活的真相后仍然热爱生活。” (There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it.)我觉得《唐顿庄园》里的人物都当得起这句话;在经历了战争,死亡,疾病,牢狱,诋毁,谣言,栽赃,陷害,误解,背叛,偏见,贫困。。。。。以后,他们仍然热爱生活。

很早以前听过苏芮的一首歌《一样的月光》,“谁能告诉我,谁能告诉我,是我们改变了世界,还是世界改变了我和你?” Carson 在《唐顿庄园》里反问得好, “What would be the point of living if we didn’t let life change us?”  说到底,不论各自走过的道路如何不同,人生最后的印记都是沧桑,沧海桑田的沧桑。

贴两张跟 Downton Abbey 隔海相望的 The Breakers. (手机随便拍的,看过就好哈。)

