WXCTEATIME2021-08-14 13:00:23

虞美人                            (Beauty Yu)


李煜                               Yu Li


春花秋月何时了?     (When would the loop of flowers to be blooming in Spring while the moon to be brighter in Fall end?)

往事知多少?              (How many old stories had disappeared?)

小楼昨夜又东风,        (The east wind blew through my small chamber again last night,)

故国不堪回首月明中。 (It was intolerable to recall my ruined nation when the moon was hanging in the sky center.)

雕栏玉砌应犹在,        (Those carved railings and jade steps should be standing there still, )

只是朱颜改。               (but their bright colors had faded.)

问君能有几多愁?        (How much sorrow do you have?)

恰似一江春水向东流。 (They were just like the river water was rushing to the east.

惜也2021-08-14 20:47:30
WXCTEATIME2021-08-14 21:08:14
惜也2021-08-15 16:21:29
什么风格?不规范英语,口语化,平庸,这分明是以己之短毁族之明珠。river water?双动词,宾语貌似是第二个动词的主语。宾语
惜也2021-08-15 16:22:22
WXCTEATIME2021-08-15 17:08:56