中间小谢2022-04-15 03:42:24


Beethoven's triple concerto, introduced to me by a friend when I was a youth. We both liked it very much but we didn't know that it was a lesser known piece by the composer. Critics typically state that this piece is less successful in comparison with Beethoven's better known works. Maybe they are right for I am not educated enough with western music to tell if they are wrong, but I think I hear the pure Will /意志/愿力 speak through the cello - this is the sign of true genius - which reminds me of the imagery in traditional Chinese art "滄海龍吟" , and which happens to be the title of a 古琴曲 as well .

前些天 yfz提到"正大光明"的音樂品质,我能在貝多芬的許多作品中聽到。但貝多芬的音樂有時似乎有點"硬",因此不算"空明",因為不够"空",但依然"正大光明"。

馬友友的版本很著名,很容易在 YouTube搜到。這兒貼一個較新鮮的。







snowandlotus2022-04-15 04:00:18
盈盈一笑间2022-04-15 04:25:40
中间小谢2022-04-15 04:57:39
中间小谢2022-04-15 06:02:32
简丹儿2022-04-15 13:32:08