I did, partly in order to verify a comment I had come across stating that its practice of the Chinese language was already very similar to its modern form. And it turned out true as I had witnessed it.
Part of modern Chinese does consist of westernization, and quite obvious, with or without success, but it is not true that modern Chinese is the result of westernization. The Chinese language has had its own path of evolution which has followed its own inner logic and been propelled by the vigor to cope with varying demands from the world, and by the desire to stay its own master. I do not think the most current form of the Chinese language has lost this mastery though I think it must be true that coping with the west was an important factor for the Chinese language having chosen its direction of growth.
I heard that 儒林外史, if I remember correctly, is more evident of the above situation. I didn't read that book myself. One can check it out.