中间小谢2022-07-28 18:49:22


As a sport, winning is the goal. AI defeats humans by raising higher the bar for memory and speed. But, given the near infinite number of variations, AI does not exhaust the variations, that is, AI has not "solved" 圍棋 as a mathematical problem. It is just more powerful than humans.

As a game for fun and which has been stretched to philosophical practices, it serves this purpose purely due to fact that its number of variations is practically infinite for humans. If humans improve their memory and speed, they will still play 圍棋 but only for a different type of philosophical practices since in this case humans will be dealing with a different type of infinity.

We all know that a "solution" exists for 圍棋 as a mathematical problem since its number of variations is in fact finite. Therefore, when this solution is discovered, it will take away both the meaning of 圍棋 as a philosophical game and as a sport.

Since 圍棋 is still unsolved, currently AI has taken away (at least reduced) the meaning of 圍棋 as a sport, not yet as a philosophical game.

人工智能戰勝人類棋手我并不驚訝, 我也一向覺得圍棋作為一個哲學游戲模型可能被捧得過高 . 其一 ,圍棋變化雖然多, 但畢竟不是真正的無窮大.  其二, 其形态好像還是简单了些?  故對哲學的模拟功能還是有限 .







一灯可除千年暗2022-07-28 19:08:48
为人父2022-07-28 19:43:51
中间小谢2022-07-29 00:53:00
一灯可除千年暗2022-07-29 15:00:21