Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:19:24


男女朋友合租,通过Zillow 申请的。男的申请的,申請时填的wife,后来说是女朋友。当时用了Zillow 的申请, 女方名字加在lease上,但没有再查,因为男方条件不错。现在住了半年多一点。现在问题来了,女方搬出去,吵架,男方说女方拿他的东西,害怕她回来再拿,希望把女方除名。我电邮女方,问是否搬出,是否要签remove name Amendment. 女方先要求把水电转男方名,男方照办。再问是否签,she emailed back:

"If you can please send me a document stating the dates that I was on the lease, for the purpose of litigation against XXXX for disposing of my items without my permission. Once I receive that, I will sign and send back."

i replied

"As I know, you have the signed lease. I don’t think I need to provide any more documentation to you to prove that. "

now, she doesn't reply me anymore.


The thing is, I do want to keep the current tenant, he can pay and willing to do that. But he is afraid his girlfriend come back when he is at work to do damages. So if his girlfriend doesn't remove the name from lease, he might move out too. What I should do next. 

Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:22:13
Why the typing in my last paragraph became so small.
Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:27:34
即使男的搬走,I still have to go to court to end the lease
DD20202022-07-13 20:32:00
Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:35:06
DD20202022-07-13 20:37:16
here it is.我这个情况是两个人都想留下。但是男的信用不够,女的收入差点。是夫妻关系。你自己按照自己的情况改一下
Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:44:02
My case is little different though
DD20202022-07-13 20:49:00
you did not get my point. 你只要告诉女孩她的责任义务就行。我在外面不方便打字。回头跟你说。
Girlsmom922022-07-13 20:52:13
柠檬椰子汁2022-07-13 22:11:16
Girlsmom922022-07-13 22:34:10
合钓是通过Zillow Doc sign 的。是emailed to her email. I think
Girlsmom922022-07-13 22:35:44
Also I don’t like to encourage her to legally against
Girlsmom922022-07-13 22:48:39
柠檬椰子汁2022-07-13 22:53:14
So you are taking a side, that's your problem.
DD20202022-07-13 22:57:00
水电不管你的事呀。你就是要按照法律enforce lease.她的职责和义务还有你的义务是啥。
DD20202022-07-13 22:58:00
DD20202022-07-13 23:00:00
Girlsmom922022-07-13 23:18:19
I don’t think I take side, when the guy messaged me
Girlsmom922022-07-13 23:19:54
Girlsmom922022-07-13 23:22:49
DD20202022-07-14 01:02:58
gqc2022-07-14 01:16:30
你可以写个证明女孩原来是在租约上和她搬出的日期 实事求是地写没什么问题
Girlsmom922022-07-14 01:29:49
我希望第一种。我想是不是重新send her the signed lease in case she can’t
DD20202022-07-14 01:33:43
其实你写个release她from lease,让她签个字就好。等柠檬来说,是不是这样的。
Girlsmom922022-07-14 01:33:51
I am just afraid she just use it to against her boyfriend
Girlsmom922022-07-14 01:35:09
DD20202022-07-14 01:37:22
Girlsmom922022-07-14 01:40:05
修改lease, all parties need agree, right?
DD20202022-07-14 01:42:56
Girlsmom922022-07-14 02:02:45
不是,是 “remove tenant” amendment. Just remove the girl
DD20202022-07-14 02:06:03
Girlsmom922022-07-14 02:11:01
我刚把signed original lease 发给她。看她怎么回.
DD20202022-07-14 02:25:10
gqc2022-07-14 02:34:16
你实事求是地说明情况 她拿去爱干嘛干嘛 法官也不傻 你担什么心呢
Girlsmom922022-07-14 02:48:45
我把 original lease 发给她了,应该够了吧。
gqc2022-07-14 14:48:03
本来她已经搬出去了 你跟男的签个协议把女的名字去掉然后通知她就行了
Girlsmom922022-07-14 15:43:19