How America tells me and other Asian American men we’re not attractive | The Seattle Times
But I'm hopeful things are changing. I've had countless conversations over the last year with young Asian American men who’ve consciously tried to feel and express pride for their cultures in the face of prejudice driven by racist ideas about the cause of the coronavirus
Proud of自己文化,对自尊心,自信心培养非常重要。
in the summer after my sophomore year, I interned at a newspaper in the East Bay Area, the most diverse place I’d ever lived. My first night there, I went out to a bar in downtown Berkeley, and while spilling my gin and tonic as I was jostled by the crowd, I felt a profound sense of relief: It was the first time I felt like I didn’t stand out because of my race. It made me realize the pain I'd experienced for not feeling like I belonged in Eugene