7997 的文章

[] 朗读 “The Windmills of Your Mind” Lyrics by Alan and Marilyn7997 2022-10-18 09:50:27[] 【E诗配画】The Rainy Day, by H.W. Longfellow7997 2022-10-08 20:49:29[] 【欢迎朗读】"The Happy Door" -喜悦之门7997 2022-10-02 18:35:40[] 【欢迎朗读】跟读 新概念英语 第四册 Lesson 24 "Beauty"7997 2022-09-15 09:56:14[] 【One Idiom】”投桃报李” 搞笑版7997 2022-09-08 09:00:41[] 短文朗读 - "Nature"/大自然 by 罗曼 罗兰7997 2022-08-21 16:59:53[] 跟读 一个“Bird Flight"7997 2022-08-07 18:15:57[] 【欢迎朗读】跟读 “Knowledge and progress”7997 2022-07-21 20:18:09[] 【欢迎朗读】跟读 “William S. Hart and the early 'Western' film”7997 2022-07-05 13:36:56[] 【一句话翻译】-“此心安处是吾乡” ,Happy 4th of July!7997 2022-07-01 08:48:38[] Short Story Reading: "The Winepress"/"轧酒机”7997 2022-06-30 14:31:00[] A short children's story - "The Little House" / 小别墅7997 2022-06-24 20:36:28[] Short Story Reading - "Taste" / " 品 “7997 2022-06-19 12:58:55[] Short Story Reading - The Way up to Heaven (通天之路)7997 2022-06-12 17:45:12[] 跟读 Lesson 19 "The stuff of dreams"7997 2022-06-08 14:50:28[] Short story reading " The Land Lady" by Roald Dahl7997 2022-06-05 19:46:17[] 【少年锦时】就唱个歌儿吧 “Moon River”7997 2022-06-03 15:35:33[] 学唱一首 “ Scarborough Fair ” from 电影“毕业生"/"The Graduate"7997 2022-05-30 15:10:28[] 摸个鱼跟妖妖灵试读 Lesson 18 Porpoises 海豚7997 2022-05-24 14:22:02[] 跟沿途美景学唱一首“Moon River"7997 2022-05-22 00:09:32[] 上班摸个鱼试译一下《凉州词》7997 2022-05-17 14:11:45[] 跟忒忒绿学-我的初次翻译练习-克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂十四行诗《Remember 记着》,不知是否太离谱7997 2022-05-16 09:22:24[] 跟妖妖灵读课文 A man-made disease7997 2022-05-10 23:46:26[] 跟妖妖零 再读一篇 Lesson 15 Secrecy in industry7997 2022-05-05 15:27:13[] 跟妖妖零 试读Lesson 14 The Butterfly Effect7997 2022-05-03 21:26:12[] 早晨重读 The Modern City7997 2022-04-27 06:52:20