passerby 的文章

[] Delacroix on Chopinpasserby 2022-02-16 11:04:20[] 大师让你爱上古典音乐passerby 2014-02-03 12:53:14[] 郎朗谈音乐教育在中国passerby 2012-10-05 12:00:42[] 为何要背谱?ZT【联合晚报╱焦元溥】passerby 2011-12-16 09:33:38[] A different version of the most popular Chopin Nocturne, 9/2, Ebpasserby 2010-10-09 17:08:19[] Glenn Gould on Sviatoslav Richterpasserby 2010-04-08 10:32:21[] 富特文格勒与所谓的黑色贝九 (Black Myth)passerby 2010-03-29 11:10:35[] 富特文格勒指挥的贝多芬爱格蒙特序曲passerby 2010-03-29 09:41:19[] 指挥家富特文格勒—把德意志音乐镶进历史之墙 by 曹立群passerby 2010-03-29 09:25:32[] 二十世纪最伟大的指挥家---富特文格勒passerby 2010-03-29 09:00:17[] 红珊瑚, Are you still looking for Fou's Beethoven? Here you go.passerby 2010-03-24 11:03:44[] To 红珊瑚: Glenn Gould on Beethovenpasserby 2010-03-19 18:22:46[] Glenn Gould - J.S.Bach's Concerto No.5 in F-minor, (BWV 1056)passerby 2010-03-17 12:23:08[] Mozart Lecture Part 3, Mozart & Three Card Montypasserby 2010-03-17 07:05:32[] Mozart Lecture Part 2, The Instrument of Choicepasserby 2010-03-17 07:03:33[] Robert Levin Mozart Lecture Part 1passerby 2010-03-17 07:01:07[] 介绍傅聪演奏的非肖邦小品: Scarlatti Sonata K. 547passerby 2010-03-10 07:29:48[] 介绍傅聪演奏的非肖邦小品: Scarlatti Sonata K. 95passerby 2010-03-10 07:26:48[] 介绍傅聪演奏的非肖邦小品: Scarlatti Sonata K.32passerby 2010-03-10 07:23:32[] 庆贺傅聪生日--介绍一些大师演奏的非肖邦小品 (3)passerby 2010-03-10 07:16:43[] 庆贺傅聪生日--介绍一些大师演奏的非肖邦小品 (2)passerby 2010-03-10 07:10:40[] 庆贺傅聪生日--介绍一些大师演奏的非肖邦小品passerby 2010-03-10 07:05:30[] Celebrating 8th of March (3): Introducing Rosalyn Tureckpasserby 2010-03-08 15:49:05[] Celebrating 8th of March (2): Introducing pianist Clara Haskilpasserby 2010-03-08 15:31:51[] Happy 8th of March. Introducing woman pianist Myra Hess.passerby 2010-03-08 15:28:23[] Chopin Nocturnes Op. 27, No. 1 and No. 2passerby 2010-03-05 23:14:19[] 肖邦 夜曲16, 降E大调 OP.55, No. 2, (another version)passerby 2010-02-25 04:57:04[] Music Terms, Italian to Chinese. (To johnz002)passerby 2006-06-01 21:47:31[] Free Beethoven Symphonies 6-9passerby 2005-06-17 20:13:37