分享一下这个 Condo 投资实例 (多图)
Condo 是 2003 建的。 整个 community 有 300 个 unit 左右。
这个 Unit 位于一个很不错的 community, 离一些商业中心也很近。community 还有 Playground, swimming pool, gym, 网球场, 沙滩排球场 ,Office …
这个 unit 是 one bedroom one bathroom, with 788 SF heated area, 865 SF gross area (可能包括 balcony 吧).
前房主在 2006 年 2月的买价是 $139,900。 去年12月 short sale 的 asking price 是 $49,000, 我 wife offer 了 $45,000. 她昨天以 $45,000 close了这个 purchase。
每个月的 association fee 是 $140, 去年的 property tax 是 $2,264 (about < $200/month). 现在有一个 tenant, 一年的 lease 到 April, rent 是 $800/month. Tenant 还想到时 renew lease。
This is the situation: The owner (a couple) is from Orlando, and they bought several condo units in Tampa (at least three units in this community) in 2006 in a very short period of time, hoping that they can re-sell them after the value become higher, and make some good profit. At that time the market was still going up (early 2006). But as we all know the market turn back probably in the middle of 2006, and now is much down from the peak. With the current market value of the properties much lower than what they have borrowed from the bank, you know they can no longer afford to pay the mortgage any more with so many investment properties.
Same thing is happening all across Florida. Some investors have to walk away from their investment properties because of the current market.