独行仙人2022-10-03 04:51:15

1. 身体里的胆固醇25%是食物里摄取的. 75%是肝脏生产的.

“On any given day, we have between 1,100 and 1,700 milligrams of cholesterol in our body. 25% of that comes from our diet, and 75% is produced by the liver. Much of the cholesterol that’s found in food can’t be absorbed by our bodies, and most of the cholesterol in our gut was first synthesized in body cells and ended up in the gut via the liver and gall bladder. The body tightly regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood by controlling internal production; when cholesterol intake in the diet goes down, the body makes more. When cholesterol intake in the diet goes up, the body makes less.”


2. Cholesterol is crucial for hormone production & function:

Cholesterol is where MANY hormones come from – it is converted by the body into the “mother hormone” Pregnenolone, which then converts into numerous hormones including DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, the estrogens, and cortisol. Cholesterol is also a precursor to vitamin D. Kind of a big deal. If we don’t have enough cholesterol and pregnenolone, it is safe to say that the cascade of steroid hormone production in our bodies would be compromised.


Cholesterol-rich foods contain the B-vitamin choline.

Choline is essential for women during pregnancy, as low choline intake is significantly associated with a higher risk of neural tube defects in a newborn. Symptoms of choline deficiency include fatigue, insomnia, memory problems and even infertility [3]. The best dietary sources of choline are liver and egg yolks, which are often avoided by many Americans due to fear of dietary fat and cholesterol.

4.Cholesterol affects your brain health. 身体25%的胆固醇都在大脑里

It plays an essential role in your brain, which contains about 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for the formation of synapses – the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and create memories. In fact, there’s reason to believe that low-fat diets and/or cholesterol-lowering drugs may cause or contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Low cholesterol levels have also been linked to violent behavior [4], due to adverse changes in brain chemistry, particularly a reduction in serotonin activity.

读完这些,你还需要降低你的胆固醇吗? 你还信没有胆固醇的老油吗?lol

这些是常识. 想想为啥医生都不告诉你?


独行仙人2022-10-03 04:54:14
好了我也不打扰大家了. 有兴趣读这些东西的网友可以去我们群读读. 只有去那里读
阿明.2022-10-03 06:45:52
独行仙人2022-10-03 17:08:45
大脑只占体重的2%.却有全身20-25%的胆固醇. 降低胆固醇的后果可以想象.
独行仙人2022-10-03 17:09:30
真相和谎言也是两个极端. 不是吗?
米兰之夜2022-10-03 19:40:29
独行仙人2022-10-04 06:12:04
做人的底线不能靠网管的宽容. 你说是不是?
xyun20132022-10-04 06:33:35
独行仙人2022-10-04 07:14:14
不仅是大脑. 荷尔蒙不调也会引起很多其他问题.