LoveWhiteRabbit2006-05-22 15:37:41
after waiting for almost 7 months after submitting the RFE, finally my I140(NIW, DIY) was approved in VSC.
thanks a lot to Xiaobaitu, Lovewind, WorthIt, fsa2000, Mytwocents.....
Good Luck to all the NIW_waiting friends.
GC_Help2006-05-22 18:17:37
回复:I140 got approved in VSC
hhhhpppp2006-05-22 18:46:26
回复:I140 got approved in VSC
LoveWhiteRabbit2006-05-22 19:31:28
回复:回复:I140 got approved in VSC
popo762006-05-23 01:14:08
Congs! Still waiting for the results of RFE