Bodd2004-02-20 20:02:52
Somebody post this, saying something about CitiBank non-
interview visa application procedure. But both saying
he/she stated are totally incorrect. The first is "can't
apply for a new visa before current one expires"; the
other is "can't get a new visa if don't go to US using
current one".

In order not to mislead all others, I have to re-post my
article here.


回复:Thank you, Bodd. If my m
文章来源: takingrisk 于 2004-02-19 13:08:58

She can't apply for a new visa before her current visa expires. If she doesn't go to US using current visa, it's not positive that she can get a new visa through ZhongXin Band because she doesn't has a entry record in US.

If u don't know, pl don't say.
文章来源: Bodd 于 2004-02-20 11:31:20

Cited from web site of US Embassy in Beijing, China:


凡获得过B-1 (商务),B-2 (旅游),F (留学生及家属),J (交流访问学者及家属),以及H (短期工作人员及家属) 签证的申请人再申请同种签证时如符合下列条件之一,可将申请材料递交到指定的中信实业银行(注意:申请人不必曾持该签证赴美):

1. 现有签证仍有效
2. 所获签证已过期,但失效日期距此次申请日期不超过12个月 (包括12个月)

重新申请F,J 以及H签证的申请人必须返回与上次相同的学校,研究院或工作单位。 此外,申请人必须在其常住地所属的使,领馆申请签证。
