shashadedeng2007-04-09 21:59:45
I am a H1B who has gone through J1 and F1. I am thinking about bringing my son (H4) to visit China during the summer, but am unsure about what is going to happen in the embassy while applying visa back to US. Thanks "Afewgoodman" for ther answer a while ago. Still want to listen to more advice from Xiaobaito and other experts. Having gone through so much in US, I really couldn't afford the risk of not being able to come back. Thanks ahead.
radiology2007-04-09 22:15:53
回复:To Xiaobaito and other experts: H1B bring child to visit C
shashadedeng2007-04-09 22:22:55
回复:回复:To Xiaobaito and other experts: H1B bring child to v