慢半拍2007-04-09 21:10:00
慢半拍2007-04-09 21:10:28
y6666662007-04-09 21:11:30
No, we use EAD for two years, renewed the H4 this March. 回复:
慢半拍2007-04-09 21:21:04
您的意思是说,ead 可以用两年?然后再签一次H4?谢谢!
y6666662007-04-09 21:28:59
Renewed twice with H4, I mean there is no problem for H4 renew t
我是丫头片子2007-04-09 21:32:39
回复:Renewed twice with H4, I mean there is no problem for H4 r