korient2007-11-16 03:16:47
There is a general 180 days rule after filing 485. what if the eb3 based 485 has been pending for 180 days, and a newly approved eb2 140 has just been ported to the pending 485.

Is there a rule that the 180 days started over again after porting, since it's a new 140, which implys the applicant intends to work for the 140 position for a period of time.

What are the risks if the applicant changes the job right after eb2 140 gets approved, and changed the underlining 140 of the pending 485 from eb3 to the newly approved eb2.

Any comments is really appriciated.

korient2007-11-16 03:20:04
请教radiology, 皮匠 等高手
radiology2007-11-16 05:01:28
回复:!!!485 180 days rule after porting from eb3 to eb2!!!!!
korient2007-11-16 14:18:07
An answer from other forum. Not sure the credibility.
korient2007-11-16 14:20:25
Thanks, Radio, but so many people are porting eb3 to eb2.