ThisMayHELP2007-12-06 16:58:59


至于你那具体的问题吧,你去 download publication 519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens. Page 51 讲 Treaty Income: students, apprenties, Trainees, Teachers, Professors and Researchs who became resident alients.

Some exceptions to the saving clause apply to all resident aliens (for example, under the US-China treaty).......


Mr. Yu a citizer of People's republic of china, entered the US as a nonresident alien student on Jan.1,2002. He remained a nonresidnet alien
through 2006 and was able to exclude his scholarship from US tax in those years under Article 20 of the US China treaty. On Jan,1,2007, he became a resient alien because his stay in US exceeded 5 years. Even though Mr. Yu is now residnet alien, the provisions of Article 20 still apply because of the exception to the saving clause in the protocol to US-china treaty dated April 30,1984.



radiology2007-12-06 17:07:24
ThisMayHelp2007-12-06 17:37:06
你就别跟着参乎了。 前几天,俺这发一贴,
bilibala_oh2007-12-06 19:27:32
回复:你就别跟着参乎了。 前几天,俺这发一贴,