rethinker2008-02-14 18:28:14
OPT 08年一月到期,07年11月已开始办H1b. 因系里秘书办事拖拉,二月初才将申请递到INS. 没想到被拒. 是不是grace period期间不能转身分? 有什么补救措施吗? 谢谢!
pjiang2008-02-14 18:37:15
You may get a new I-20 of different program within 60 days - 回复:
rethinker2008-02-14 18:59:15
回复:You may get a new I-20 of different program within 60 days -
pjiang2008-02-14 19:07:09
New I-20 will ensure you maintaining your F-1 status - 回复:You ma
rethinker2008-02-14 19:46:19
Thanks. Can I transfer from F1 to H1 later?
pjiang2008-02-14 20:02:11
Of course - 回复:Thanks. Can I transfer from F1 to H1 later?
rethinker2008-02-15 00:17:54
The problem is my OPT already expired, I am using my grace perio
pjiang2008-02-15 01:01:50
回复:紧急求助: OPT 转 H1b 被拒, 是否必须回国?
rethinker2008-02-15 15:00:14
very helpful, thanks a lot. the international center has contact