GreenGuy2008-06-24 23:24:25
After one and half years painful waiting, my NIW140 was finally approved at today. During the long time waiting, got many help from this website, so just put here for sharing.

My case is just so so:
1) PH.D in the third leve US university: Major ECE at the area of signal processing.
2) Now postdoctral at medical school.
3) five engnlish journal papers and five IEEE conference papers (10 total citations): my ph.d advisor is the first author for all the english papers.
4) 5 first author chinese papers written in Chinese (30 citations, 50% are cited by master and PH.D thesis).

The petiotin was filed at the end of 2006, no postdoctral jobs are used. The FRE was received on April and relied at May, aprroved at today. RFE mainly asked the third prong to prove why the petitioner's infuluence is much beyonn the majority of the researcher in the field.

To reply the RFE, just collect several indepent letters, but mainly emphasize the impact of my Chinese work. And also get an application certificatin letter form company in China which used my softtool.
renlao2008-06-24 23:29:36
恭喜!回复:NSC NIW 140 approved after RFE
davidchen20072008-06-25 16:03:35
So did my NIW case