GreenGuy2011-07-21 23:04:25

Teach 863211:

I got below rfe

 Please submit documentary evidence which establishes that you continue to be engaged in the occupation that is the basis of you national interest waiver. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to: a currently dated letter from you present employer; copies of recent and/or ongoing publications or research; copies of recent award, grants or fellowships; or other such documentation confirming that you intend to carry out the terms and conditions of the underlying From I-140 visa petition.

Bu how the documetation can confirm I intend to carry out the terms and conditions of the underlying 140 visa petition. ( tha it for the furture)

My supervisor write a letter said my position is perminent ( continuous upon funding) and point out the area I am working. And I have letter from HR saying salary, start data, and title.

But that can only prove I am able to continously contribute to this area. How can I prove I intend to work on the area ?

Do I need to write something to show my intention in the coverletter? Can you teach me what to do? 



8632112011-07-22 00:01:11
回复:485 rfe-how confirm I intend to---