GreenGuy2011-07-23 01:07:26

Dear Teachers:

I still don't know the best way to use uscis envelop. They ask the to use their envelop, which is certainly too small.

Teacher Pijiang said to cut it and paste on big envelop for example using EMS.

1. Should I paste USCIS envelope on the EMS label? Does EMS allow me to do it?

Or paste it on some else of EMS envelope but not on the EMS label. ( I assume not on the back of EMS envelope).

2. Or I put the documents inside another big envelope and paste USCIS envelope on this big envelope. Finally, put this big envelope inside EMS envelope.

3: Just put the USCIS envelope together with my documents.

By the way, the adress on the USCIS envelope should be corret to mail the RFE ( I am too nervous, sorry about that)


Thanks for teaching me.


8632112011-07-23 02:44:57
回复:teacher 863211 and pjian-485 rfe envelope
GreenGuy2011-07-23 03:14:08
回复:回复:teacher 863211 and pjian-485 rfe envelope
8632112011-07-23 03:24:20
回复:回复:回复:teacher 863211 and pjian-485 rfe envelope
GreenGuy2011-07-23 03:33:55
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