claireub2009-02-06 06:09:32
I heard that visiting parents can be claimed as dependents, but in Publication 501 page 11 table 5, it says:
You cannot claim a person as a dependent unless that person is a US citizen, US resident alien, US national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico, for some part of the year.

According to this definition, it seems I cannot claim my visiting relatives as dependents.

Does anybody know if I can claim or not.

Thank you.
沙漠里的猴子2009-02-06 06:25:05
回复:Parent's as dependents question
色大胆小2009-02-06 13:27:32
Bodd2009-02-06 14:12:24
提示你一点。——回复:Parent's as dependents question