kunla20092009-11-11 04:46:54
My Mom came late June. I became a US citizen in August. then I filed 130 and 485 together in Mid September. Now we got an interview notice for her. Is it because I am too rush for her application? I didnot know it was better to wait for at least 3 months. any good advice if the officer argues she had the immigration intent when she got a B2 visa. My mom visited my family and spends 6 months with us since 2005. Even if i did not apply for her green card, she would still visit us so she got the visitor's visa just because she wanted to visit us as usual. i dont understand how immigration officer can question her intent.

drop me a line so I can have some idea of how to prepare for the interview. thanks a lot.
pjiang2009-11-11 14:03:23
standard procedure - 回复:485 interview for my Mom
kunla20092009-11-12 06:40:40
more questions about 485 for my Mom