Paulinemama2010-03-11 15:59:45
由于我工作的性质是可以在家远程工作,我在申请绿卡之初,公司在A洲,自己在B洲,PERM和140的工作地点写的是A洲,我一直没有留意,PERM和140在2006和2007初的时候都批了。 2007年由于老公工作的关系,我又回到了A洲的另一城市(不在公司),现在我又跟着老公来到了C洲。我公司一直都没有变,也一直交着A洲的税。就没有想着交AC21,我的worksite和公司地址不一样,会有麻烦吗? 我的PERM和140会收到影响吗?

I have had 485 interview on 11/16/09, during the interview the officer asked me a lot of questions regarding relationship between my employer and me. I have been asked provide detailed empolyment letter after the interview. Yesterday my boss told me she got the phone call from local office and ask smilar job questions and our company current status. Still worry about that there is any impact for my approved PERM and 140. Please help!!!
8632112010-03-11 16:03:25
回复:863211 and pjang 大师们请赐教
paulinemama2010-03-11 16:06:04
Thanks to 863211 , and another question, please!
8632112010-03-11 16:58:48
回复:Thanks to 863211 , and another question, please!