lizar2010-03-21 04:39:29
我和老公都是H1b, 孩子H4。想今年回国,听说可先墨西哥签证,这样可省去麻烦。一旦被拒,还可直接回美国。

8632112010-03-21 17:27:06
lizar2010-03-21 17:27:43
LIZAR2010-03-21 17:29:03
thank you. I got your repsonse just after I sent mine.
LIZAR2010-03-21 17:31:28
But I heard we can come back to us within the same day even visa
8632112010-03-21 17:55:55
回复:But I heard we can come back to us within the same day even v
lizar2010-03-21 19:34:01
Thanks a lot.