纷纷扬扬的雪2011-03-11 13:07:33

household size时,肯定要把他父母算进去.目前是为了我和我女儿办结婚绿卡. 在给我的I-864中,household size应该把他父母和我女儿都放在f.If you have sponsored any other persons on an I-864 or I-864 EZ who are now lawful permanent residents, enter the number here.(也就是填 3) 还是把谁该放在e. If you have any other dependents, enter the number here?? 他父母是多年以前就拿到绿卡了.我女儿当然是和我一起在申请,并没有绿卡.或者我女儿该放在d. If you have dependent children, enter the number here??

另外,即使我填错了地方,但是总的household size是正确的话,是不是也不会有什么大问题啊? 我老公现在是把他父母放在了e. If you have any other dependents, enter the number here.
