glmaomoa2020-06-23 23:01:44


944: 1. 父母退休金可以放在page 4, item 6 "if you or your household members received additional income on a continuing weekly, monthly, or annual basis during the most recent tax year"吗?

          For the question in the same item that "when do you anticipate you or your household member will stop receiving this additional income mm/dd/yyyy", can we leave it blank?

       2. If my parents' pension together is just above 125% of poverty standard for household of 2, do I need to put myself in as a member of their household? Or would it be better if we add me as a member of their household anyways as my salary alone can support them even though I have my own family (husband and 2 kids)?

       3. If my parents' pension together is just above 125% of poverty standard for household of 2, do they still need to fill in page 6, part 3, item 9, regarding assets and resources? 他们来的时候没有把银行储蓄存款打印出来,他们也没有online account, 现在在这里不能access (中国建行)

       4. 给父母分开申请,给父亲填表的时候,Page 2, part 2, item 1, 关于母亲,在问题"Is this individual filing an application for an immigration benefit with you or has this individual already filed an application", 应该选NO?

864表: 1. 给父母分开申请, page 2, part 3, item 1, check Yes, and leave item 2 blank?
                                                           as well as items 4a-28 blank, so fill in "1" for item 29?

            2. My salary alone will be able to sponsor my parents. Page 4, Part 6, regarding "income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size", should leave items 8-19 blank? 
              For page 5, part 6, item 20, "my current household income ", can I just put in my own salary number from my W2?

再次万分感激8老师的nice attention and kind consideration! 祝福您和家人安好!

8632112020-06-25 19:44:28
glmaomoa2020-06-26 03:47:13
glmaomoa2020-06-26 13:50:08