AABB2005-05-23 02:37:55
Hello, I just would like to share some info with the people here who are waiting for the LC processing, especially through backlog center processing.

My case was filed in NJ. I sent an email inquiry to the Backlog Center in April. No response for over a mopnth. Recently I received an email from DOL backlog unit giving me a case #. I surely know this could not mean much. However as I said I just want to share, and I think we "backlogged" people should input more in the forum.
cluo30002005-05-23 03:33:49
What is the email for BPC?
AABB2005-05-23 14:33:10
回复:assigned a case # by BPC
waitingLC2005-05-24 00:18:51
回复:回复:assigned a case # by BPC
waitingLC2005-05-24 00:22:01
回复:回复:assigned a case # by BPC