免疫力真的好2022-10-16 15:42:35

《To All the Girls  I have loved before

To all the girls I have loved before致所有我爱过的姑娘们

上一次我环跑演唱Julio伯伯自己唱作且囊括几乎所有欧洲主要语言版本的“Hey”那一首描绘久别重逢,热泪盈眶的经典金曲时候,就已经预告了下一首就是他的另外一支广为传唱的暖男金曲“To all the girls I have loved before致所有我爱过的姑娘们”。

参见: [环球之旅]暖场:撩妹风《桥边姑娘》+三种语言版Julio Iglesias《Hey》西德英语各一版+欧洲https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/ktv/2514803.html

演唱与制作 楼主 第一版 

第二版 这一版我做了一点发挥,某些细节处理上有自己想法的自由发挥,在不影响主旋律线前提下,胡里奥自己不同场合演唱同一首曲目也会做一点独特的自由发挥。




词曲作者:Al Mckay / Albert Hammond / Felix Haug / Hal David / Kurt Maloo / Maurice White / Philip James Bailey / Wyclef Jean 《To All the Girls》歌词


To all the girls I've loved before

Who travelled in and out my door

I'm glad they came along

I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls I once caressed And may I say I've held the best

For helping me to grow I owe a lot I know To all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing

And every time I try to stay

The winds of change continue blowing

And they just carry me away

To all the girls who shared my life

Who now are someone else's wives

I'm glad they came along

I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls who cared for me

Who filled my nights with ecstasy

They live within my heart

I'll always be a part Of all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing

And every time I try to stay

The winds of change continue blowing

And they just carry me away

To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors

We're glad they came along

We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before

To all the girls we've loved before

Who travelled in and out our doors

We're glad they came along

We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before






艾茶2022-10-16 15:45:49
坐力力沙发 - 嗓子好亮,又有力量,好会唱,录音外录都这么好,两版都好,更喜欢你的自由发挥版,是艺考生吗?
免疫力真的好2022-10-16 15:58:25
免疫力真的好2022-10-16 16:16:50
昨日春风2022-10-16 16:19:52
唵啊吽2022-10-16 19:04:39
唱得好快乐!视频做得好,特别是第一个视频,看到all the girls
chuntianle2022-10-16 20:29:40
赞力力音乐分享和精美制作。 点赞。 周末愉快。
才歌2022-10-17 06:46:17
AP339122022-10-17 07:24:00
魔幻水晶2022-10-17 07:47:19
免疫力真的好2022-10-17 08:12:01
他自己在家里造了一个棚,简易的录音Studio,然后用Yeti Blue吊起来在棚里用电脑录的。
免疫力真的好2022-10-17 08:13:48
以梦2022-10-17 14:16:11